Pixel Art

Here is a new page dedicated to pixel art, street art based on mosaics of which Invader is the (apparent) precursor, but you will see below he has predecessors!. MrDjoul is not exclusively in this category, his mosaics are more diverse. MrDjoul is at the origin of this new page though, but more importantly it is a new collaboration with Kapuchka which made it possible. Our exchanges have been the most exciting since I got interested in street art and Invader.

I have already quoted in Street Art in Paris other artists such as Hanimalé Moz (who also “invades” Issoire and Clermont Ferrand), La Grenouille Masquée, Zigom.art, Solrac. I recall them below. And here are new synthesis of old and new.

Among the oldest in the early 2010s and not or less active today:



Morèje (Jérôme Gulon)
Morèje is probably one of the first pixel artists. He began in the 80s whereas Invader began in the 90s. I am not aware of others which explains my cautiousness. He might be the first one!

and recently the magnificent “cigognes” (storks) initially from Strasbourg by Stork
in Alsace

and outside of Alsace

Hanimale Moz





Next Mosaik

La Grenouille Masquée




My latest discovers:
-one of the few women in Pixel Art, Tag__Lady

– a street artist based in Miami, Infinipi

– a street artist based in Madrid, Nean, with his site Basket of Nean,

– a street artist based in Lyon, Ememem and his/her flacking, with the site www.ememem-flacking.com

And what about this Russian piece created by inhabitants of Novosibirsk

In June 2024, I walked in Arles finding there again a few Morèje, Waldo, Stork as well as Miss.Tic, LeCyklop and Malaxe:

The list could be much longer and there is no ambition to be exhaustive here. Our choices are subjective and limited by the time we can devote to our passion! The following artists would undoubtedly have deserved their archiving:
IN THE WOUP is an artist from Lyon whose project is called MARIO WORLDZ,
K-bal Dona
IPDO (I Pixel Di Oplontis) is a Parisian artist inspired by the Smurfs,
find.ball / BALKA,
D3C4Y focuses on sneakers,
Cartoon N Cereal,
pwixel.art, mosaic mushrooms reminiscent of the mosaics of WALDO,
_piixy_ aka PIXY,
Cœur en pixels
tom brikx and the site Brikx
The Mosaist