The Good Old Days

Two pieces of news caught recently my attention. One is entitled Frank Quattrone, Star Banker of Technology Ventures, Talks Wistfully of the Good Old Days—Before Netscape’s IPO.

The other one is less nostalgic because of the web site name, which I quite like: You’re in Deep Chip Now.

Here is the full text captured from the site:

I will not comment this but let me come back on Quattrone. Quattrone was a star of the IPO world as you may read from this Xconomy blog. What is striking is that in the last 8 years, following the Internet bubble, there has been less venture capital, fewer IPOs. The reasons are many. But the key question remains: are we facing a major innovation crisis? After the transistor in the 60’s, the computer in the 70’s and the PC in the 80’s, the Internet and mobile communications in the 90’s, what have the 00’s given us? And what about the 10’s… I do not have any answer. What about you?

2 thoughts on “The Good Old Days

  1. Jordi

    If it wasn’t for the financial crisis, don’t you think th 10s see major investments in cleantech ? with a bubble in energy ?

  2. hlebret Post author

    Well innovation is tough to predict. The Internet potential was far from clear in 1993-94 but some visionaries bet on yahoo, netscape, amazon. Today, cleantech might be another bubble or the next wave of innovations. Do not ask me to choose, I am probably 50% wrong!


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